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Best Mattress Stain Remover - Top Picks to Keep Your Bed Fresh

Stains are a bummer in daily life. A stained, smelly mattress isn't what you dream of. But with a top-notch mattress cleaning solution, you can keep things fresh. This helps your bedroom feel cleaner and boosts your sleep quality.

Spray mattress cleaners are both easy to handle and light on the pocket. Yet, if you go for cleaning machines, they’re pricier. They may require special solutions but offer more cleaning power. Sweetnight, a top mattress brand, has awesome mattress cleaning solutions. These are great at beating stains and odors, making sure your bed is clean and safe. Their products are strong, simple to use, and don't harm your health or your pets'.



  • 1. The Importance of Keeping Your Mattress Clean
  • 2. Top Natural Mattress Cleaning Supplies
  • 3. Step-by-Step Guide: How to Deep Clean a Mattress
  • 4. Dealing with Tough Stains: Urine, Blood, and Sweat
  • 5. Eliminating Mattress Odors
  • 6. Mattress Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid
  • 7. Preventing Future Mattress Stains
  • 8. Conclusion
  • 9. FAQ

The Importance of Keeping Your Mattress Clean

Your mattress may be dirtier than you realize. While you're resting, it can soak up sweat and other fluids. Stains might surface with caution. Regular cleaning helps in prolonging the lifespan of your mattress, shielding you from germs and allergens. Typically a mattress can endure 7 to 10 years or more with upkeep. Therefore, caring for it appropriately is crucial for enduring comfort.

Why Should You Clean Your Mattress?

Cleaning your mattress goes beyond extending its longevity. You do it for health reasons well. Since you spend an amount of time in bed, it accumulates things, like sweat, bacteria, and dust. Keeping it aids in promoting sleep quality and maintaining good health. Treat any spills promptly on your mattress, vacuum it on a daily basis, and perform a clean twice annually. These measures can help prevent the accumulation of substances.

How Often Should You Clean Your Mattress?

Experts recommend deep cleaning your mattress every 6 months to a year as a practice. For individuals, cleaning it twice yearly proves effective. This practice helps prevent allergens and debris from impacting your sleep or overall health. Engaging in tasks such as vacuuming and swift spot cleaning can help reduce the need for extensive cleaning sessions.

Top Natural Mattress Cleaning Supplies

Upon consulting the instructions, you'll realize the importance of using high-quality cleaning supplies for your mattress. This is essential for addressing stains and maintaining the cleanliness of your mattress, considering how much time you spend sleeping on it. It's advisable to steer cleaners that could potentially pose health risks.

Opting for cleaning supplies such as baking soda and essential oils is a choice. These include vinegar, liquid dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, and water which are effective in eliminating stains and odors without resorting to chemicals.

A known natural cleaning method claims to remove stains in 10 minutes. You will need a 16 oz bottle, dish soap, baking soda, and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Using 2 to 3 cups of baking soda should suffice for a mattress. Allow the baking soda to dry before vacuuming. This process proves to be both swift and efficient.

Other cleaning remedies commonly involve vinegar and lavender oil. To tackle bloodstains, mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and dish soap. A combination of water and white vinegar can effectively address vomit stains. For odors, employing baking soda by leaving it on for 10 minutes before vacuuming works wonders. Regularly using these cleaners and sprays will help keep your mattress feeling fresh and prevent any marks or stains.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Deep Clean a Mattress

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to clean a mattress:

1. Begin by ensuring that your mattress remains dry, throughout the cleaning process, moisture can attract bacteria and fungi. It's best to choose a day for this task.

2. Start by removing all bedding from the mattress and washing them thoroughly including sheets, pillows, and comforters. This initial step will provide you with a surface to work on later.

3. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the mattress effectively eliminating dust and dust mites that can trigger allergies. Opt for a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter for cleanliness.

4. Disinfect the mattress by creating a solution of water and white vinegar. The acetic acid in vinegar is known for its germ-killing properties and ability to eliminate odors, leaving your mattress smelling fresh.

5. Once the mattress is completely dry, consider flipping or rotating it regularly to prevent wear in one area, thus maintaining its comfort level and prolonging its lifespan. This simple practice can also contribute to better sleep quality over time.


Dealing with Tough Stains: Urine, Blood, and Sweat

Maintaining the cleanliness of your mattress can be quite a task especially when it comes to stains, like urine, blood, and sweat. By using the cleaning techniques and products you can ensure that your mattress stays fresh and hygienic.

How to Get Urine Stains Out of Your Mattress

Urine stains are an issue with mattresses. Natural cleaning supplies can effectively tackle these stains. For urine stains, a mixture of water and white vinegar in parts sprayed onto the area after blotting can work wonders. Sprinkle baking soda on top allow it to sit for 8 hours, and vacuum it up. For dried urine stains, create a solution using hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap. Apply the mixture to the stain and let it dry completely before vacuuming.

How to Remove Blood Stains from Your Mattress

Blood stains are often encountered on mattresses and can be removed with the help of vinegar or 3% hydrogen peroxide. Start by blotting the blood with a cloth. Then apply either the vinegar or peroxide solution onto the stain. Repeat this process until the stain disappears.

How to Get Yellow Stains Out of Your Mattress

Over time, yellow stains may appear on your mattress due to reasons. To eliminate these stains effectively, use a mixture of water and white vinegar in proportions followed by sprinkling baking soda over the area. Let it sit for 8 hours before vacuuming for results. This blend is effective in eliminating stains.

How to Remove Sweat Stains from Your Mattress

Sweat marks are frequently found on mattresses as well. A mixture of 3/4 cup of water, 1/4 cup of vinegar, and a tablespoon of soap is effective. Spritz the solution and allow it to rest for a minute. Dab it with a damp cloth. Repeat the process until the stain disappears and ensure the mattress dries out completely by airing it.

Eliminating Mattress Odors

If your mattress has an odor, there's a solution. Just mix a drop of oils, like lavender, ylang-ylang, peppermint, or chamomile with water and vinegar. These oils are effective in fighting off germs and eliminating odors and stains. In case the odor persists despite your efforts, it might be time to consider replacing your mattress.

During sleep, adults shed skin cells that can cause your mattress to develop a smell. To prevent this, it's recommended to freshen up your mattress every six months. Additionally, washing your bed linens weekly and cleaning your pillows every month can help keep germs at bay. Using a protector not only prolongs the lifespan of your mattress but also reduces the frequency of deep cleaning.

To ensure a smelling and healthy bedroom environment, consider using an air purifier or introducing plants into the space. These measures can enhance air quality significantly. Coupled with upkeep and odor management practices, these steps will create a more inviting sleeping environment for you.

Mattress Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

To maintain the quality of your mattress, it's important to steer clear of these blunders:

• Avoid saturating your mattress with liquids.
• Always ensure your mattress is completely dry before putting back the sheets.
• Refrain from using chemical cleaners on your mattress.
• Check the care instructions provided by the manufacturer before cleaning.
• Remember to refer to your mattress warranty for guidance.
• Make sure to clean your mattress to prevent issues.

Excessive water or strong chemicals can damage your mattress, leading it to feel stiff or rough. Opt for cleaners like soap or baking soda as they are safe options. Allow your mattress to air dry in an area to prevent damage from sunlight and heat.

Investing in a high-quality mattress protector can significantly extend the lifespan of your mattress by shielding it from stains and spills. Additionally, promptly vacuuming and treating any stains that occur will help maintain a fresh sleeping surface.

Preventing Future Mattress Stains

To ensure your mattress stays fresh and clean, it's recommended to invest in a protector. Acting as a barrier between your bedding and the mattress itself, this protective layer helps ward off body oils, fluids, and stains. By using a protector, you can maintain the cleanliness and freshness of your mattress without the need for deep cleaning. Opting for a quality protector is a decision to preserve the integrity of your mattress. These covers serve as a defense against spills, sweat, and other potential stains that could penetrate the mattress surface. By doing so, you can avoid the expenses and inconveniences associated with thorough cleanings while prolonging the lifespan of your mattress. For those with mattresses, there are protectors available that cater to latex and memory foam mattresses. These high-quality protectors are hypoallergenic, breathable, and waterproof – ensuring your mattress remains dry, clean, and odor-free. Utilizing a protector is an uncomplicated yet efficient method to safeguard your sleeping surface from stains and harm while enhancing your overall sleep environment. You will experience the comfort of resting in a healthy bed for years to come.


In conclusion, ensuring your mattress remains clean is crucial for a night's sleep. Utilize cleaning techniques and the correct mattress cleaning products to maintain your mattress in condition free from stains, odors, and allergens. When dealing with issues such as urine, blood, or sweat stains, opt for cleaning remedies like enzyme cleaners and odor eliminators to effectively freshen up your mattress. Promote a clean and healthy sleeping environment. Investing in a quality mattress protector is also a decision as it helps safeguard your mattress against stains. Remember to address any spills or stains by vacuuming and spot-cleaning them. In case of problems, seeking assistance from professionals may be the most suitable course of action. By taking care of your mattress, you are prioritizing both your sleep quality and overall health. With the tools and techniques at hand, your mattress will have a lifespan while ensuring that your sleeping space remains fresh and allergy-free. The effort put into maintaining your mattress pays off with a bed and rejuvenating sleep every night.


What are the best mattress stain removers?

When it comes to cleaning mattress stains, some top choices include enzyme cleaners, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide. Additionally, white vinegar, essential oils, and dish soap can also do the trick. These options are both safe and effective for tackling stains like urine and blood.

How often should I clean my mattress?

It's recommended to clean your mattress twice a year or more often if necessary. Regular vacuuming on a basis helps keep dust, dirt, and allergens at bay.

What natural cleaning supplies are best for mattress cleaning?

For an approach to cleaning your mattress, consider using ingredients such as baking soda and white vinegar. Hydrogen peroxide and essential oils like lavender, peppermint, and chamomile can also help remove stains and odors without relying on chemicals.

How do I deep clean my mattress?

Begin by washing your bedding before vacuuming the mattress to eliminate dust particles. Then create a mixture of water and white vinegar to spray on the surface for purposes. After allowing it to dry completely, flip the mattress regularly to ensure wear over time.

How do I remove urine, blood, or sweat stains from my mattress?

To address urine stains specifically, consider using a solution of water mixed with vinegar for spot treatment.

Next, sprinkle baking soda on the area. Allow it to sit for 8 hours before using a vacuum cleaner. To deal with blood stains, create a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap. Apply the solution, let it dry completely, and then vacuum the area. As for sweat stains, simply use a mixture of water and vinegar. Allow it to dry thoroughly before proceeding to vacuum the surface.

How do I eliminate odors from my mattress?

To combat smells effectively, mix oils with water and vinegar. Fragrances like lavender and peppermint work well as they have properties that eliminate odor-causing bacteria and germs. If the odors persist, consider investing in a mattress.

What common mistakes should I avoid when cleaning my mattress?

Avoid using liquid during cleaning processes. Always ensure your mattress is completely dry before covering it up. Steer clear of chemicals well. It's important to follow the care instructions provided and be mindful of your warranty terms. Regularly cleaning your mattress can help prevent issues from arising.

How can I prevent future mattress stains?

Utilize a protector to maintain the cleanliness of your bed. A protector acts as a barrier against spills and stains, reducing the need for cleaning sessions frequently.

Check out our mattress here: